Dream Storytime

So dream storytime 

So I dreamt about this guy that I know him from secondary school. I haven meet him for ages and we do still talk to each other on social media. So let’s call him S.

So back to the story was. It was the exam period and I was told that I had three papers. What’s funny was I know what are the three subjects that are gonna be tested which were math science and art. (Don’t ask me why lol) But what’s even weirder is that I don’t know which one will be tested first and all I can recall is that through tour the whole dream I keep having to call him to ask about the examination timing. Does he kinda know cause someone told him the time but is it trustable? Nope. 

But what’s weird was the first moment that I met him I actually went up to him and talk to him like I was flirting. And during that dream, my brain was like ew Eileen what are you doing. We chat a while and he told me like he can help me cheat my exam, but how I have no idea and he told me only art he can’t help me cheat. 

After my first paper, I actually went back home. Somehow I went to call him again to ask for the other papers timing. What’s funny was the next paper was like science? And then it was in like an hour and the trip from my house to school was one hour. The last moment that I remembered from the dream was that I was panicking trying to find my chemistry notes THAT WERE FROM PFP and YEAR 2. When I reach school I was just complaining about why the hell exam timing is like that. 

And then I just forced myself to wake up because first I know I was awake but in the dream. Second, it’s super unrealistic. Third, I was just thinking why the hell I have been thinking about him for a long time and the fact that the last time I see him in real life was close to four years ago. 

I mean I bet he doesn’t read my blog and don’t give a shit about me CAUSE HE DOESNT WANT TO CONTINUE THE CONVO WITH ME :( 


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