Sorry Readers of mine

Sorry friends from being MIA for the longest time. I will try to update every week if I can. I am thinking if I should upload a weekly post on Wednesday or Sunday. Hmmm. Also, after uploading a new video on youtube, I am thankful to have a friend that actually encourages me to start a daily vlog. I don't think I will have enough content to film because my life is pretty damn boring. It's either school, clinic or just home. Not as interesting as normal people I would say. I guess I will still try to edit and upload every few months? I mean I don't really have a plan for now.

Good news to me, I finally got a replacement of my useless Lenovo laptop and changed to an ASUSZenbook. Tbh, I actually saw some glitching thingy when I first used it. But for now nothing much. So I guess is okay? Hopefully, it will stay the same for the next week years. If you are curious what laptop series I used you can PM me on Instagram!! Or maybe is just I am damn unlucky to get that laptop.

Haven been updating a lot due to all the major end of year exam coming up. Hence, I just hope I will be able to update more often! :>


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