Friends :)

I don’t need a friend that have to text me 24/7. 

I feel like now that I know how things are hard to get I appreciate more. I don’t show but I feel. 

If I get to just WhatsApp and listen to their rant I’m happy because they know that I’m always here for them. Even if you used to be close and you message me I will feel honoured. (Even though I will be a stress ball thinking how to reply you) 

Being able to connect back to people you are used to be close feels good. Not much common topics to talk anymore but you be like Wah things have really change. And of cause talking about things that happened last time is so funny because we will have a different point of view.

Not just physical is also mentally where you are more mature and the society has changed to the place where you just be stressing out every day. 


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