Kids nowadays. I feel like you can be who you are but I think you all need to tone down a little bit?
I hope you are spending all those Supreme and Coach with your own money that you earned yourself. Not your parents' money. Because your parents' money is not your money.
Even if you have money there’s no right that you should spend totally on yourself, give your parents too. Not tell you to give them hard cash but as simple as treating them a meal. Of cause you no need to treat them like steak or like something expensive just a simple $10++ meal. That’s goo enough already. Also, treating makes you a better son/daughter plus it helps you to improve your relationship with you and your parents. Of cause, this also proves that you are independent and your parents will be definitely proud of you even though they don’t say it out. Because humans are selfish, we always keep praises to ourselves.
If you don’t have the money and force your parents to buy all these branded for you. Hmm, something is wrong with you. ( or you have friends like that? Please piak (slap/hit) them on the head and tell them to wake up 😅) Because you have legs and hands you can work to earn that money to buy that yourself.
Having branded, eating expensive food makes you feel better but it doesn’t make you a better person. Always remember all these things only make yourself feel better but not the others! :)
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