Chloe Ting 2 weeks challenge

So recently I have started to do the Chloe Ting 2 weeks challenge! I actually tried to do it continuously a few months ago and I obviously failed. Due to my laziness and internship. Now that my internship has ended I am a bit more determined to finish the 2 weeks. I am currently on the first week, not much change in the body measurements. But what I found out was that I actually drop in terms of weight not sure is because I just snack lesser than normal days but I am happy now that I am a bit fitter than I use to!! I hope to continue the 2 weeks challenge because I actually stop two days ago but I will pay it back tomorrow or tonight hehe!!

End result: Measurements
Stomach area lose 1 cm (82cm to 81cm)
Others remain the same

I felt that the 2 weeks challenge isn't getting easier when days pass by because the exercises in the videos are all hard. Especially up-down planks, I bet is everyone's most hated exercise other than burpees. But after the challenge, I realised that I was able to do more reps during the whole 45-sec before I die during the 15-sec break.

Would I continue? Yes, but I will choose other videos or even challenges to do since I kind of got bored after a while. Like some other people mention the music will be stuck in your head and its like torture to think of the music while doing exercises. So for me halfway through the two weeks, I decided to play podcast and do the exercise at the same times which was a little better. 

For me, there wasn't much changes to the measurements but only the weight ( which didn't last for long because I gained them back pretty quick) But what I know is that I am getting stronger and being able to do more reps for the up-down plank is already an achievement for me. 

I am going to post a video about this challenge soon!! hehe
Workout selfies :3


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