Dear Snapchat
Firstly, you definitely saved some of my friendship. Especially those who are like super busy and not able to meet up and talk.
Filters are one of the main point that you catches everyone eyes and their interest in continuing to use you. Because every filters have their own unique in their own way.
You are also the only place where we can sort of spam our own story and people will actually never blame us as you were the only? place for unglamorous shots . Which is not like Instagram where we just have to continue to be glam to fit your feed.
Streak is still one of this things that keep the you alive and active, or else everyone will just start to shift to Instagram or they will just uninstall them. But the main thing I'm going to say about this is that sometimes you can be fun but other times is just a burden in many lifes. Because of this thing called streak I was forced to use this application at times that I don't even feel like using. The worst that could happen is that a streak with meaningless friendship. I hate the fact that I have to continue the streak even thought I'm just annoyed by the snaps they send me. I find that I'm just wasting my time and effort to reply you. Also what make it worst is that when that somebody never really noticed the streak break after a few hours. What does it shows? It just shows that the person does not really care about snapping snaps to you, but the streaks is more important so they themselves can show off to their other friends their longest streaks.
I guess this system you have their pros and cons but that fact that nowadays more of the cons are overtaking the pros is kind of tiring. Don't you think so? But I am still grateful for you Snapchat being existing so I can communicate with my closest friends that are super busy!! But as the days goes by I'm getting more and more annoyed at the same time. But what to do? Society are getting more and more advanced so I'm just going to take at who you are now.
Filters are one of the main point that you catches everyone eyes and their interest in continuing to use you. Because every filters have their own unique in their own way.
You are also the only place where we can sort of spam our own story and people will actually never blame us as you were the only? place for unglamorous shots . Which is not like Instagram where we just have to continue to be glam to fit your feed.
Streak is still one of this things that keep the you alive and active, or else everyone will just start to shift to Instagram or they will just uninstall them. But the main thing I'm going to say about this is that sometimes you can be fun but other times is just a burden in many lifes. Because of this thing called streak I was forced to use this application at times that I don't even feel like using. The worst that could happen is that a streak with meaningless friendship. I hate the fact that I have to continue the streak even thought I'm just annoyed by the snaps they send me. I find that I'm just wasting my time and effort to reply you. Also what make it worst is that when that somebody never really noticed the streak break after a few hours. What does it shows? It just shows that the person does not really care about snapping snaps to you, but the streaks is more important so they themselves can show off to their other friends their longest streaks.
I guess this system you have their pros and cons but that fact that nowadays more of the cons are overtaking the pros is kind of tiring. Don't you think so? But I am still grateful for you Snapchat being existing so I can communicate with my closest friends that are super busy!! But as the days goes by I'm getting more and more annoyed at the same time. But what to do? Society are getting more and more advanced so I'm just going to take at who you are now.
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